Sunday, June 16, 2019

They never should of let me learn how to use these filters on Facebook. lol.

Welcome to My Journey

Welcome to my journey!!!

Well, thank you for visiting. I am currently doing sales from home. I will be updating new products I sell and are being released. I also have a facebook page The Broke Pocket Fashion. 

I will be doing a day by day of working from home to being an actual retail store in Wisconsin. I had planned to do this over a year ago. But, due to health issues, that, unfortunately still exist, my plan has been delayed. 

In the area I reside currently, there is not a good selection of plus size or more "city" type clothing. Being a retail manager I would constantly hear complaints about this. It is Wisconsin after all. Alot of  farming communities. But, the kids do not all want to be dressed like Old McDonald after all. Lol. 

I hope you all enjoy sharing my journey with me. 

I will share all my links also to the sites I sell on. I also have a ton I keep on hand.